I had been so busy with my son and his extra school activities, wow. This was his first year in DI-destination imagination. A very challenging but fun activity for young thinker . The students are posed a problem and must come up with a solution, skit, props, costumes, etc....all child led/no help from adults except driving to the store for supplies and guidance in the rules. Some of the high school teams have been together since elementary and were very impressive in what they could accomplish. Their group won 3rd place-not too bad for a first time group of 3rd graders ;) Along with scouts and the start of baseball-for a few weeks it was pretty hectic. But for now, it is back to normal.
...here he is hard at work on one of the set pieces...
Our garden is once again planted, all is doing well as long as I can ward off those pesky squash bugs. Hate those. Nothing can ruin your day like a squash bug. In a matter of 8 hours (or less) a single bug can take down an entire 4 ft tall squash plant as if someone went out and sat on it. I do not use any sprays, chemicals, or anything on my garden-but this year....they better watch it :)I have done quite a few projects, some of wich I hope to add tonight :) As we have no practice, no game, no nothin' :)